Yao's webzone

hi there! it's me, Yao aka Ennis aka "Aubrey", and you've found my little home on the web!

I'm a writer working on the Hyperion Union sci-fi setting, as well as an artist, programmer, conlang creator, and Maker of Symbols. I have a background of study in multiple science fields, which tends to leak into my writing a fair bit

honestly, there's not going to be a ton here just this second, but I can give a little contact info and such...

social thingies

@yaodema@chitter.xyz: my little home on the mastoverse

... that's it, currently. I *have* twitter and tumblr but I haven't used them in years. maybe I'll add some others here eventually


I made two symbols I rather like, that seem to speak to a bunch of other people too! I'll list them here, and you can look at their pages for info on their inspiration and (simple) licensing.

RSS feed

well really it's Atom but that's normal in 202X...

if you've got one, your feed reader should pick it up with a click, but if not, here's the link!

I'll be updating this with the contents of a blog eventually. the first few entries will be when major updates to the site happen, then I'll start moving my writing over. reposts will be clearly marked in the RSS feed, and require a click-through to see them.

other plans?

yes! eventually there'll be an art gallery here, at least one comic, and even a way to leave comments and send asks! maybe I'll fit this place with webmention, or maybe something more exotic... we'll see what the future may hold, there.